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Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The featured image for this article should contain a depiction of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card

Tarot cards have been used for centuries for divination and self-reflection. One of the most significant and recognized cards in a tarot deck is the Wheel of Fortune card. In this article, we will explore the symbolism and meaning of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card and how it can aid in personal and spiritual development.

A Brief History of Tarot Cards and Their Use in Divination

Tarot cards originated in Europe in the 14th century as playing cards. In the early 18th century, occultists and mystics began using them for divination. A traditional tarot deck has 78 cards, divided into two categories: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana has 22 cards, each representing archetypes or significant life events. The Minor Arcana has 56 cards, divided into four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands, each representing different aspects of life.

Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

  • The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is significant in tarot reading and divination, representing fate and destiny.
  • The card’s symbolism includes a wheel, four creatures, and the direction of the wheel’s turn.
  • Techniques for interpreting the card’s symbolism, how to avoid common mistakes, and exercises for personal development are all covered.

Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Symbolism of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Creature Symbolism
Lion Courage, strength, power, and nobility. It can also represent the astrological sign of Leo.
Eagle Vision, freedom, and spiritual elevation. It can also represent the astrological sign of Scorpio.
Bull Stability, determination, and groundedness. It can also represent the astrological sign of Taurus.
Human or Angel The higher self, enlightenment, and spiritual evolution. It can also represent the astrological sign of Aquarius.

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is the tenth card in the Major Arcana and is represented by a large wheel with four creatures in each corner. The wheel is often depicted with different colors, such as red, blue, green, and gold. The four creatures are typically a lion, an eagle, a bull, and a human or angel.

The card’s symbolism represents the cyclical nature of life, with the wheel turning continuously, signifying that nothing remains constant. The four creatures represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac and can also symbolize the four elements – fire, water, earth, and air. The direction of the wheel’s turn is significant, with clockwise representing positive change and counterclockwise representing negative change.

Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card can have both positive and negative meanings. Its position within a spread and the question asked will determine its interpretation. Generally, the card represents change, cycles, and fate. It reminds us that life is constantly changing, and we must adapt to new situations.

In a positive context, the card can represent good luck, unexpected opportunities, and positive changes. It can also signify the end of a difficult period and the beginning of a new one. In a negative context, the card can represent bad luck, unexpected setbacks, and challenges. It can also symbolize a lack of control or influence over our lives.

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card changes depending on its position within a spread. For example, if the card appears in a past position, it may represent a significant event or turning point that has led to the present situation. If it appears in a present position, it may represent the current situation or the need to be adaptable and open to change. If it appears in a future position, it may represent upcoming events or the need to prepare for the unexpected.

Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Reading the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Interpreting the Wheel of Fortune tarot card’s symbolism requires a deep understanding of its meaning and context. One technique for interpreting the card is to consider the direction of the wheel’s turn. If it is turning clockwise, it may signify positive change and good luck. If it is turning counterclockwise, it may signify negative change and challenges.

In addition to traditional interpretation techniques, intuition and personal experience can also be incorporated into the reading. The reader must be open to their intuition and allow it to guide them in interpreting the card’s meaning. Common mistakes to avoid when reading the Wheel of Fortune tarot card include interpreting the card too literally and failing to consider the card’s position within the spread.

Understanding the Symbolism and Significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Using the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card for Personal and Spiritual Development

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card can be used as a tool for personal and spiritual development. It can be integrated into daily life through exercises and activities such as journaling, meditation, and visualization. Journaling can help to explore the card’s meaning and symbolism and gain insight into its application in daily life. Meditation and visualization can help to connect with the card’s energy and gain insight into future events and decisions.

The card can also be used to gain insight into personal and spiritual development. It can help to identify areas of growth and development and guide us in making positive changes in our lives. By embracing the cyclical nature of life and being open to change, we can learn to navigate life’s challenges and embrace new opportunities.

Personal Story: The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card in My Life

As a tarot reader, I often draw the Wheel of Fortune tarot card in my readings. One particular time, I drew the card for a close friend who was going through a difficult time. At first, she was hesitant to hear what the card had to say, but eventually, she opened up to me about her struggles and fears.

As I explained the card’s symbolism and meaning, I could see a shift in my friend’s energy. She began to see her situation in a new light and gained a sense of hope for the future. We talked about how the Wheel of Fortune represents the cyclical nature of life and how even in moments of struggle, there is always the potential for growth and positive change.

After our reading, my friend began incorporating the Wheel of Fortune card into her daily meditations and journaling practice. She found it to be a powerful tool for self-reflection and gained insight into her own patterns and cycles.

Through this experience, I saw firsthand the transformative power of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. It reminded me that even in the midst of uncertainty and change, there is always the potential for growth and new beginnings.


The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is a powerful symbol of change, cycles, and fate. Its significance in tarot reading and divination cannot be overstated. By exploring the card’s symbolism and meaning, we can gain insight into our lives, embrace change, and achieve personal and spiritual growth. As with all tarot cards, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card’s interpretation is subjective and can be influenced by the reader’s intuition and personal experience. We encourage readers to explore the card’s symbolism and meaning in their own tarot practice.


Q.What does the Wheel of Fortune tarot card signify?

A.It represents change, cycles, and destiny.

Q.How can I interpret the Wheel of Fortune card in a reading?

A.Look for patterns, cycles, and unexpected turns of events.

Q.Who should use the Wheel of Fortune tarot card in their readings?

A.Anyone seeking guidance on life’s ups and downs.

Q.What if I get the Wheel of Fortune card in a reversed position?

A.It may indicate resistance to change or bad luck.

Q.How can I use the Wheel of Fortune card to improve my spirituality?

A.Meditate on the card and reflect on the cycles of life.

Q.What if I don’t believe in tarot or divination?

A.It’s okay, everyone has their own beliefs and practices.