Perfecting Parsvakonasana: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Side Angle Pose in Yoga

The featured image for this article should show someone in the Extended Side Angle Pose - Utthita Pa

Are you looking to add a new yoga pose to your practice that will strengthen your legs and core while providing a deep stretch to your side body? Look no further than Parsvakonasana, also known as Side Angle Pose! In this article, we will explore step-by-step instructions for performing this pose, variations, benefits, and how to incorporate it into your yoga practice.

An image of a person performing Parsvakonasana with proper alignment

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana

  1. Stand facing the long side of your mat with your feet about a leg distance apart.
  2. Turn your right foot out so your toes are pointing to the short edge of the mat.
  3. Bend your right knee so that it is directly above your right ankle.
  4. Keep your left leg straight and strong.
  5. Extend your right arm over your right leg and place your hand on a block or the floor.
  6. Lift your left arm up towards the ceiling and extend it over your head.
  7. Keep your chest open and your gaze forward or up towards your left hand.
  8. Lengthen through the crown of your head and engage your core.

For beginners, it may be helpful to use a block under your bottom hand if you can’t reach the floor. Keep your back leg active and engaged, and avoid collapsing into your front knee. For individuals with injuries or limitations, modifications can be made. Use a chair for support if you have difficulty balancing, and use a strap to connect your top hand to your bottom hand if you can’t reach the floor. If you have knee problems, keep your back heel lifted. Common mistakes to avoid include collapsing into your front knee and allowing your chest to collapse.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Side Angle Pose in Yoga

  • Extended Side Angle Pose – Utthita Parsvakonasana is a yoga pose that involves a deep stretch of the side body and a strengthening of the legs and core.
  • The pose has physical benefits, such as strengthening and stretching, as well as mental benefits, such as stress relief and improved focus.
  • Modifications and variations of the pose are available for individuals with injuries or limitations.

An image of a person performing a variation of Parsvakonasana

Variations of Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana

Variations of Side Angle Pose include:

  • Revolved Side Angle Pose – Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, which strengthens the core and improves digestion.
  • Bound Side Angle Pose – Baddha Parsvakonasana, which stretches the shoulders and chest.
  • Half Side Angle Pose – Ardha Parsvakonasana, which is a more accessible version of the full pose.

To perform each variation safely and effectively, follow the same alignment principles as for the basic pose. Use props or modify the pose as needed.

Variation How to Perform Benefits
Revolved Side Angle Pose – Parivrtta Parsvakonasana From Side Angle Pose, twist your torso towards the sky and bring your top arm over your ear. Strengthens the core, increases spinal mobility, improves digestion.
Bound Side Angle Pose – Baddha Parsvakonasana From Side Angle Pose, bring your bottom arm behind your back and clasp your hands together. Stretches the shoulders and chest, increases flexibility in the hips and hamstrings.
Half Side Angle Pose – Ardha Parsvakonasana From Downward Dog, step your right foot forward and place it between your hands. Bring your left knee to the floor and place your left hand on your left thigh. Then, extend your right arm over your right leg and place your hand on a block or the floor. A more accessible version of the full pose, stretches the hips and hamstrings, strengthens the legs.

An image of a person in Parsvakonasana with arrows pointing to the different parts of the body that

Benefits of Practicing Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana

The benefits of practicing Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana are numerous and can be categorized into physical and mental benefits. Physically, the pose strengthens the legs, hips, and spine. It stretches the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders, improves balance and stability.

Mentally, the pose calms the mind and reduces anxiety, improves concentration and focus, and increases self-awareness and mindfulness. The pose can also be beneficial for individuals with specific health conditions, such as sciatica, menstrual discomfort, and digestive issues. According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, practicing Parsvakonasana can improve digestion and relieve menstrual discomfort. Additionally, it can be therapeutic for individuals with asthma.

An image of a person in a yoga flow sequence that includes Parsvakonasana

Incorporating Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana into Your Yoga Practice

To include Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana in a yoga sequence, follow the pose with other standing poses, such as Warrior 2 or Triangle Pose. Incorporate the pose into a flow sequence. Complementary poses to practice with Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana include Downward Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana, Eagle Pose – Garudasana, and Seated Forward Fold – Paschimottanasana.

To create a balanced yoga practice with Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana, alternate between standing and seated poses, include both strengthening and stretching poses, and practice pranayama and meditation for a well-rounded practice.

Personal Story: Overcoming Hip Pain with Extended Side Angle Pose

I have been practicing yoga for several years and have always loved the challenge and benefits of Extended Side Angle Pose. However, a few months ago, I started experiencing pain in my left hip during the pose. At first, I ignored it, thinking it would go away on its own. But as the pain persisted, I became worried that I may have to give up the pose altogether.

I consulted with my yoga teacher, who suggested I modify the pose by using a block to support my bottom hand and keeping my back heel lifted. She also recommended adding a hip-opening sequence to my practice to help alleviate the pain.

After a few weeks of practicing the modified pose and incorporating more hip-openers into my practice, I noticed a significant improvement in my hip pain. I was able to gradually deepen the pose and eventually return to practicing it without any pain.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of listening to my body and making modifications when necessary. I also discovered the power of a balanced yoga practice, incorporating both strengthening and stretching poses, as well as modifications and variations to keep my practice safe and sustainable.


Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana is a yoga pose that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. It strengthens and stretches various muscles, improves balance and stability, and reduces anxiety. Modifications and variations of the pose are available for individuals with injuries or limitations. Practice the pose under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher, and check out online resources for more information on yoga and Side Angle Pose – Parsvakonasana practice.

Questions & Answers

Q. Who can benefit from practicing side angle pose?

A. Anyone looking to strengthen legs, hips, and core.

Q. What is the proper alignment for side angle pose?

A. Keep front knee stacked over ankle and back leg straight.

Q. How can I modify side angle pose if I have tight hips?

A. Use a block under your bottom hand, or shorten your stance.

Q. Who should avoid practicing side angle pose?

A. Those with knee or hip injuries should avoid this pose.

Q. What are the benefits of practicing side angle pose?

A. Strengthens legs, hips, and core, and improves digestion.

Q. How can I deepen my side angle pose?

A. Try binding your top arm behind your back or reaching towards the sky.