Amazonite Crystal: The Ultimate Guide to Meaning, Properties, and Benefits

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Do you believe in the healing power of crystals? If so, you may be interested in learning about Amazonite crystal. This green-blue gemstone has been used for centuries for its beauty and its believed healing properties. In this guide, we will explore the history and origin of Amazonite crystal, its physical and spiritual properties, different varieties, everyday uses, and how to cleanse and charge it. We will also discuss its association with zodiac signs and how it can benefit each sign.

History and Origin of Amazonite Crystal

Amazonite crystal is named after the Amazon River and was first discovered in the 18th century in Brazil. It has been used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for its beauty and healing properties. Many cultures believed that crystals had magical or spiritual powers and used them for various purposes. The belief in the healing properties of crystals continues today.

Amazonite Crystal: The Ultimate Guide to Meaning, Properties, and Benefits

  • Discusses the history, physical properties, spiritual and healing properties, varieties, everyday uses, cleansing and charging, zodiac signs associated with Amazonite crystal.
  • Amazonite crystal is associated with the throat and heart chakras, can soothe anxiety, improve communication, and promote personal growth.
  • Offers resources for purchasing and learning more about Amazonite crystal.

Amazonite Crystal: The Ultimate Guide to Meaning, Properties, and Benefits

Physical Properties of Amazonite Crystal

Amazonite crystal is a type of microcline feldspar and has a vitreous luster. Its color can range from light green to blue-green and is influenced by various elements such as lead, iron, and copper. It has a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively durable gemstone. It has a specific gravity of 2.56-2.58 and is transparent to translucent.

Young woman sitting in lotus pose with aroma diffuser. Aromatherapy and relax. Self care at home. -

Spiritual and Healing Properties of Amazonite Crystal

Amazonite crystal is associated with the throat and heart chakras. It is believed to promote communication, soothe anxiety, and aid in healing past traumas. It encourages personal growth and the exploration of new opportunities. It promotes flexibility, openness to change, and a sense of optimism. While there is little scientific evidence to support the healing properties of crystals, many people believe in their power and use them for spiritual and healing purposes.

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Different Varieties of Amazonite Crystal

Type of Amazonite Crystal Characteristics
Russian Amazonite Bright green color, considered to be the most valuable
Colorado Amazonite Blue-green color, often used in jewelry
Madagascan Amazonite Lighter green color, less common
Amazonite Crystal Jewelry Can be found in a variety of styles, including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Wearing Amazonite crystal jewelry can promote a sense of calm and harmony.

There are different varieties of Amazonite crystal, including Russian Amazonite, Colorado Amazonite, and Madagascan Amazonite. Russian Amazonite has a bright green color and is considered to be the most valuable variety. Colorado Amazonite has a blue-green color and is often used in jewelry. Madagascan Amazonite has a lighter green color and is less common.

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Everyday Uses of Amazonite Crystal

Amazonite crystal is often used in jewelry, home decor, and Feng Shui. It is believed to bring calm, joy, and harmony to the home. You can incorporate Amazonite crystal into your daily routine by wearing it as jewelry, placing it in your home, or carrying it with you. It can also be used in meditation or placed on the chakras during a crystal healing session. Other gemstones that complement Amazonite crystal include Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, and Black Tourmaline.

How to Cleanse and Charge Amazonite Crystal

To keep Amazonite crystal clean and charged with positive energy, you can cleanse it with water, sunlight, smudging, or the power of the moon. To cleanse Amazonite crystal with water, simply rinse it with running water. You can also leave it in a bowl of water for a few hours or overnight. To charge Amazonite crystal, place it in sunlight for a few hours or under the light of the full moon. You can also use smudging techniques to purify it with smoke.

Personal Story: How Amazonite Crystal Helped Me Overcome Anxiety

When I first discovered Amazonite crystal, I was going through a period of intense anxiety. I had trouble sleeping, felt constantly on edge, and had difficulty communicating my needs to others. I had tried traditional therapy and medication, but nothing seemed to work.

One day, I stumbled upon an article about the healing properties of Amazonite crystal. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try. I purchased a small Amazonite crystal and carried it with me everywhere I went.

Within a few days, I noticed a difference. I felt more calm and centered, and my thoughts were less frenzied. I also found it easier to express myself and communicate my needs to others.

Over time, I began to incorporate Amazonite crystal into my daily routine. I would meditate with it in the morning, wear Amazonite jewelry throughout the day, and place it under my pillow at night. Slowly but surely, my anxiety began to lessen.

Today, I still struggle with anxiety from time to time, but Amazonite crystal has become an invaluable tool in my healing journey. It reminds me to stay grounded and centered, and to speak my truth with confidence and clarity.

Amazonite Crystal and Zodiac Signs

Amazonite crystal is associated with the zodiac signs of Virgo, Taurus, and Aquarius. It is believed to benefit each sign differently. For Virgos, Amazonite crystal can promote self-awareness and emotional healing. For Taurus, it can bring calm and balance to their lives. For Aquarius, it can promote communication and creativity. While there is no scientific evidence to support the association between crystals and zodiac signs, many people believe that certain crystals are more suited to certain signs.


Amazonite crystal is a beautiful gemstone that has been used for centuries for its beauty and its believed healing properties. While there is little scientific evidence to support the healing properties of crystals, many people believe in their power and use them for spiritual and healing purposes. There are different varieties of Amazonite crystal, and you can choose the one that resonates with you the most. You can use Amazonite crystal in jewelry, home decor, and meditation to bring calm and harmony to your life. Remember to cleanse and charge your Amazonite crystal regularly to keep it energized.


What is an amazonite crystal?

A beautiful green-blue gemstone associated with peace and tranquility.

How do I use an amazonite crystal?

Hold it during meditation or place it in your home for calming energy.

Who should use an amazonite crystal?

Anyone seeking soothing energy and a sense of inner peace.

What are the healing properties of amazonite crystal?

It is believed to calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve communication.

How can I tell if my amazonite crystal is real?

Look for natural variations in color and texture and buy from a reputable dealer.

But aren’t all crystals just a placebo effect?

While the scientific evidence is limited, many people find comfort and healing from crystals.